Sunday, September 11, 2011

Curb Project

September 11th, 2011.

Images, many of them, came to mind throughout the day beginning with the early morning broadcast of the Ground Zero Memorial in New York and continuing with those of where I was, what I was doing, what I thought and more from that day 10 years ago. In cases such as this - where the information overload just piles up heartrendingly - there comes a point where things just need to get curbed ... else they overwhelm you. You can only take so much, sometimes ...

And that's how this project came to be.

"Curb Project"
is just that: Images taken from curb-view. It was a grounding effort (no pun intended) to aid in reflecting on this anniversary of where I was a decade ago.

I took a one block diameter and began from a westerly direction on a designated curb on Virginia, progressed forward, turned right on Oakwood, again on Sierra Madre and finally on Wilson. The shots were positioned in the middle of every curb between driveways and midways at houses and I included the four corners, noted in the photos below.

There was one spot where my efforts were stymied by growth, so I decided to get an additional shot from the street view. It is noted below.

The locals in and around the following were used: 1630, 1642, 1648, 1654, 1660, 1666 and 1672 Oakwood; 1675, 1669, 1663, 1657, 1651, 1645, 1637, 1631 and 1625 Wilson as well as the corners of Virginia / Oakwood, Oakwood / Sierra Madre, Sierra Madre Wilson and Wilson / Virginia.

Additionally, the final shot - a rag I used for placing my camera atop so as not to get scraped, damaged or dirty - was invaluable and appreciated.

(Click on any image to enlarge)

The corner of Virginia / Oakwood ...

The corner of Oakwood / Sierra Madre ...

Little view because of foliage, so ...

... I went down to street level to get another shot.

The corner of Sierra Madre / Wilson ...

The corner of Wilson / Virginia ...

The very, very useful rag ...

.......................... Ruprecht ( STOP )
On the edge ...


Robert said...

a very interesting scheme, Michael. I think that you could edit these into a very good exhibit

Patty said...

I happen to agree 100% with Robert. These are very exhibit worthy. One of my favorite photographs I've ever taken was of my daughter's feet at Times Square from the ground up, I love that view. Great perspective from there.

Ross said...

Seeing the world from a cat's perspective.